Papua is a province of Indonesia are the largest located in the central part of New Guinea or the most eastern part of West New Guinea (Irian Jaya). Eastern parts of the country of Papua New Guinea or East New Guinea.


     An attractive tourism potential of marine tourism. Travelers who like to dive / diving or snorkeling to see the natural beauty under the sea at this island Rumberpon. Some marine tourism that attracts tourists is the islandNusrowi, Mioswaar Island, Island Windesi Yoop and waters, and the Island of Roon.

     One of the natural attractions that exist in Papua. Currently Lake Sentani freshwater fisheries have been developed, so that tourists can enjoy the culinary delicacies while watching the beauty of Lake Sentani.

     Raja Ampat Islands is an archipelago located in the western province of Papua New Guinea in the West. Raja Ampat Papua scenery similar to Phi Phi Island in Thailand is even more beautiful than Phi Phi Island is the location of the movie The Beach, starring Leonardo Di Caprio is. Raja Ampat in Papua, we can see theislands are hilly green with crystal clear sea water.



     Cartensz name is taken from the inventor of a Dutch sailor, John Carstensz who witnessed the mountain peaks covered with ice in equatorial countries. No one believes with his peenyataan it. John Carstensz was the first European who witnessed the peak Cartesz with his own eyes.

     Paniai Lake is the best and most beautiful lake in the World is represented by 157 countries in the worldlake owners on the World Lake Conference in India on November 30, 2007.
      Lake Paniai that the extent of 14,500 ha, located at an altitude of 7500 meters above sea level it is still a natural condition, around the lake stored values ​​of the local cultural arts community cultural arts and Interest Rate Moni Mee.




      Jayawijaya Mountains is the name for the mountain range that stretched lengthwise in the center of the province of West Papua and Papua (Indonesia) to Papua New Guinea Newguinea on the island. Rows ofMountains which have some of the highest peak in Indonesia is formed by removal of the sea floor thousands of years ago. Although located at an altitude of 4800 masl, fossilized sea shells, for example, can be seen inlimestone and clastic rocks contained in Jayawijaya Mountains. Therefore, in addition to the sport climbersparadise, paradise Jayawijaya Mountains also become the world's geological research of particular interest.




     Paradise Bay National Park is representative ecosystems of coral reefs, beaches, mangrove islands andmainland tropical forests in Papua / Irian Jaya.
Potential reef Paradise Bay National Park recorded 150 species from 15 families, and 18 islands scattered on the banks of large and small. The percentage of live coral cover varied between 30.40% to 65.64%.       Generally, the coral reef ecosystem is divided into two zones: the reef flat (reef flat) and reef slope zones (reef slope). The types of coral can be seen include blue coral colony (Heliopora coerulea), black coral (Antiphates sp.), And Pectiniidae Faviidae family, as well as various types of soft corals.
     In Baliem Festival, attractions tribal war scenario begins with the determination of trigger war. Triggersmay include war kidnapping, murder of child residents, as well as invasion of the newly opened fields. The existence of these triggers, causing the other tribes should Â'membalas dendam ', so that the raid was conducted. Meanwhile, the opponent will last, so the battle was underway with exciting.
     Researchers Board World Nature Reserve (WWF) found about 390 species of birds in the National ParkWasur, Merauke District, Papua. In the national park also live about 80 species of mammals that 20 of themendemic (Staying in one particular place) With about 390 species of birds, the park is the area most rich inbird species in Papua Indonesia.juga proliferate even in the tens types of herons, ducks, marsh and shorebirds. While in dry habitats (savanna) breed maleo also dozens of species of birds, parrots, cockatoos andparadise.
      One of the mammals whose population is quite high in Wasur are deer and kangaroo. birds of paradiseand cassowary and other types of cockatoos, parrots.