Bengkulu (Dutch: Benkoelen or Benkulen, English: Bencoolen, Malaysia Language: Bangkahulu) the southwestern island of Sumatra is a province located on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. At the north is bordered by West Sumatra, on the east by Jambi and South Sumatra, while in the south to Lampung.


     Long beach location about 3 km from the city of Bengkulu. About 7 km long beach with 500m width of the highway. Many public transport towards or away from the beach length. Pine trees that shade embellished along the coast. Hotels and restaurants are also found there. This beach also has a parking facility, swimming pool, cottages, and others who support the tourism there.

      Jakat coast of Bengkulu, located about 2 kilometers from the center of the city of Bengkulu, adjacent toFort Marlborough and Tread Padri Coast. The natural beauty of beach Jakat no less when compared to Long Beach and Coast Tread Padri Bengkulu.
      Jakat Beach, tourists can enjoy the beauty of the beaches are still awake and not polluted. Jakat beach is a beach that is relatively safe for visitors to bathe and swim at the beach. You can also enjoy the natural scenery is very beautiful as sunset approached the city of Bengkulu.
     Fortress Marlborough was one of historical attractions and cultural mainstay owned by the City ofBengkulu. British forts beginning of the 18th century was built by the East Indian Company (a British tradingenterprises the largest in the archipelago that time) for approximately six years (precisely in the year 1713 to 1719) under the leadership of Governor Joseph Callet when it came to power in Bengkulu. Overall, the building resembles a fortress which this turtle stand on the land area of about 44,100 square meters and facing toward the south.
     Tapak Padri beaches can be reached only about 10 minutes from the center of Bengkulu. The beach is located between Long Beach and the beach city of Bengkulu and Zakat can be connected directly to both the beach is either by sea, land and air.
      Since the days of British occupation of the archipelago, in the area around the beach Tapaderi serve the downtown area in Bengkulu at the time. On the edge of this beach, the British Government at the time of the occupation to build a fortress and also the seat of government, called Fort Marlborough on the instructions of the Governor-General Thomas Stamford Raffless. On this beach, too, there is a China Town or Village China which reflects life in the time of first occupation and the downtown area at that time.
     The island is composed of one parent and several islands of small islands which surround and the otherwith the beautiful coral reefs. Island mice is very suitable for marine tourism in Bengkulu. This island can be reached about 1 hour from the city of Bengkulu to use the boat.

     Lais beach is a tourist attraction located in the village of Lais, North Bengkulu, and became one of the places visited by many wisatawan.Pantai is located on the western edge of the road rayat Lintas Sumatra, so it is very easy for tourists who want to visit that location.
     Raflesia flowers bloom in the forest arnoldi precisely located in the village of Talang Baru, District Malin Deman, Mukomuko district, Bengkulu province.