Jambi is a province of Indonesia, located on the east coast in the central part of Sumatra Island. Jambi is one of three provinces in Indonesia the capital named after the province, in addition to Bengkulu and Gorontalo. Edinburgh is where sourced from namely Malays National Malay Kingdom in Jambi, Batang Hari. Jambi Malay language the same as Malay and Malay Palembang Bengkulu, the accent "o".


     LAKE Kerinci has an area of ​​4200 hectares with a depth of 110 m and is situated at an altitude of 783 meters above sea level. The lake holds many species of fish. Semah Fish is the most popular typeand is an endemic fish.

     Attraction Khayangan hill is one tourist attraction in the city the river is full. Gunung Raya is located in thecluster and is bordered by National Park Kerinci Seblat (TNKS) precisely in the village of Bina's work, in addition to the height of the hill khyangan 2000 Meters above sea level with temperatures around 20 degreescelcius.Untuk meuju this attraction we advance into the city the river is full, from the river city is full we cansee the high hills in a blanket of fog Khayangan. After reaching the town we headed straight full sugnai this attraction to it using a four-wheeled vehicles maupaun two wheels, besides that we also will pass through a winding twisty road, which at the time it takes to reach the top of the hill yankni sekiratar 35 minutes.

     Sipin Lake is one attraction that could be one destination to visit on weekends. Tourist area is located not far from the center of Edinburgh. Only with a time of about 30 minutes from the city we've got to jambi Lake tourism area Sipin.Di these attractions there are also boat rides.

     Batang Hari is the longest river in the island of Sumatra, about 800 km. Eyes water comes from violenceMount (2585 m) [1], and that becomes the upstream of the Batang Hari is up to the lake above, which nowgo to Solok regency, West Sumatra province, and flows southward to the River area Capping, before turningto the east. The flow of this river through several areas in the province of West Sumatra and Jambi provinces, such as South Solok district, District Dharmasraya, Bungo district, Tebo regency, Batang Hari, Jambi City, Jambi Muaro District and Eastern District of Tanjung Jabung, before taking into Sumatra's east coast nearMuara Sabak.

     Tanggo Rajo Park is located in front of Governor's Official Residence. The area extends along the riverside of Batanghari River, the longest river in Sumatera and becomes the ride of Jambi people. The riverside itself stretches over 500 m.
In the afternoon we can enjoy the sunset here and also watching the ship traders going  along the river while enjoying roasted corn, sugar cane ice and many other snacks.