Special Region of Yogyakarta province is Special Region level in Indonesia, including [State] Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the [State] Duchy Paku Alaman. Special Region of Yogyakarta is located in the southern central part of Java Island and bordering Central Java Province and the Indian Ocean. Special Region has an area of 3185.80 km2 which consists of one city and four counties, which are subdivided into 78 districts and 438 villages / village.Special Region of Yogyakarta became the mainstay tourist destination after Bali Province.
Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the 9th century measuring 123 x 123 meters. Borobudur Temple was completed centuries before Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
Borobudur building punden staircase-shaped consists of 10 levels. Height of 42 meters and 34.5 meters before it was renovated after the renovation because the lowest level was used as a drag. Six lowest level square and the upper three circular form, and the highest level in the form of a Buddhist stupa facing westward. Each level represents the stages of human life. In accordance schools of Mahayana Buddhism, every person who wants to reach the level of the Buddha must through every level of life is.
Borobudur building punden staircase-shaped consists of 10 levels. Height of 42 meters and 34.5 meters before it was renovated after the renovation because the lowest level was used as a drag. Six lowest level square and the upper three circular form, and the highest level in the form of a Buddhist stupa facing westward. Each level represents the stages of human life. In accordance schools of Mahayana Buddhism, every person who wants to reach the level of the Buddha must through every level of life is.
Prambanan is incredibly beautiful building built in the 10th century during the reign of two kings, RakaiRakai Pikatan and Balitung. Rose as high as 47 feet (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire to show Hindu triumph in Java Island. This temple islocated 17 kilometers from the city center, in the middle of the area that is now a beautiful park.
Mendut located 3 km to the east of Borobudur, a Buddhist temple built in 824 AD by King's sense ofdynastic dynasty. Inside Mendut there are 3 (three) big statue.
This temple is older than Borobudur temple. The architecture was rectangular and has entrances on the ladder. The roof is also square and terraced, there is a stupa on top of it.
This temple is older than Borobudur temple. The architecture was rectangular and has entrances on the ladder. The roof is also square and terraced, there is a stupa on top of it.
Temple of Plaosan built by Rakai Pikatan has some uniqueness compared to other temples, the twomain temples are "twins" and the smooth surface terrace. In this temple there is also a figure of Vajrapani, Amitbha, and Prajnaparamitha.
Parangtritis is the best tourist spots to enjoy the sunset while having fun conquering sand dunes withATVs (All-terrain Vechile) or along the beach with a gig in a romantic twilight.
Parangtritis located 27 km south of Yogyakarta and easily accessible by public transport to operate up at 17:00, as well as private vehicles. The afternoon before sunset is the best time to visit the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. But if you arrive more quickly, it could not hurt to go up to the cliffs behind the beach this Gembirawati. From there we could see the whole area Parangtritis, south sea, down to the horizon.
Parangtritis located 27 km south of Yogyakarta and easily accessible by public transport to operate up at 17:00, as well as private vehicles. The afternoon before sunset is the best time to visit the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. But if you arrive more quickly, it could not hurt to go up to the cliffs behind the beach this Gembirawati. From there we could see the whole area Parangtritis, south sea, down to the horizon.
Sepanjang the coast is one of the newly opened beach. The name "Sepanjang" is given ascharacteristic of this coast which has the longest coastline of all the beaches in the South MountainDistrict. The atmosphere of this beach is very natural. Palm-dotted shoreline plants and thatched huts of dried leaves. Reefs in the area of tidal beach is still preserved. Blows of the waves still reflect the blue seawater mark that has not been contaminated. With the atmosphere, it is not wrong if the local government and investors are planning to make this beach the second Kuta Beach.
Siung coast is rich in coral reefs giant. Coral cliff has 250 climbing routes, is also the perfect place toenjoy the panorama of the beach. There is also a coral-like cloves Vanara which the naming beach.
Siung Beach is located in a remote area in Gunung Kidul, exactly Tepus south district. The distance is about 70 km from the city center, or about 2 hours drive. Reaching the beach is a motorcycle or a car of choice of many people, because it's hard to find public transportation. Colt or bus from the city Wonosari usually only up to the region Tepus, and even then had to wait for hours.
Siung Beach is located in a remote area in Gunung Kidul, exactly Tepus south district. The distance is about 70 km from the city center, or about 2 hours drive. Reaching the beach is a motorcycle or a car of choice of many people, because it's hard to find public transportation. Colt or bus from the city Wonosari usually only up to the region Tepus, and even then had to wait for hours.
Located in the middle of the main axis stretching from north to south, and the secondary axis from east to west. Surrounded by mountain ranges called the horizon as the edge of the universe.
Stretching between the monument as the northern boundary and stage boundaries Krapyak in the south, between Code River in the east and west Winongo River. Between Mount Merapi and the South Seas, the Palace in the minds of the Java community, defined as the center of the world which is described as the center of the universe.